Construction Materials

Anti Mold / Anti Bacterial Paint

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Anti Mold / Anti Bacterial Paint

Microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and mold can reproduce and multiply rapidly in regions and structures with high humidity. This situation can reach dimensions that threaten human health. To prevent this, painting the walls with antiques or antibacterial paints will be the best choice for your health.
What is Antiküf Boya?
Antiküf paint is a type of paint that prevents microorganisms such as mold and fungus from growing and adhering. Antibacterial paint prevents bacterial growth on the paint surface.
What are the Advantages of Antiküf Boya?
Antibacterial paint provides a hygienic environment. It prevents the formation of bacteria, mold and fungus on your walls.
It is an odorless paint; There is no problem during or after the application. This provides an advantage for people with allergic and respiratory conditions.
In addition to providing a hygienic environment, antibacterial paints have a decorative feature with rich color options.
It has a high closing feature and is easy to apply.