Construction Materials


Your home is the area where you have spent the longest time in your life and we want to be there for you to create your dream home. You can find all the construction materials you need on our website.


What is Terrazzo?
The construction industry has also witnessed a very rapid development as a result of the emerging chemistry sector discovering new materials and binders with the war economy and knowledge that developed during the Second World War. Perhaps one of the biggest effects of this chemical development on the construction industry was the discovery of the epoxy binder.
Since epoxy binders offer a much longer lasting and faster solution than conventional cement-based binders, this has had a huge impact on rapid development. Terrazzo floor coating systems have made conventional cement based mosaic coating, which has a history of nearly 500 years, combined with up-to-date technology and science, making it a much longer lasting and advantageous coating.
Advantages of Terrazzon
Cost Advantage! After Terrazzo application, cleaning is much cheaper and easier than traditional coatings. This creates an overhead advantage in areas with heavy pedestrian traffic.
It is long lasting! Terrazzo maintains the desired color and feature for a minimum of 40 years. In this way, it minimizes repair and repetition costs.
Unlimited design! Terrazzo you just imagine. It is our job to shed all the colors and designs you want.
Terrazzo is environmentally friendly! By combining solvent-free chemical binders with recycling stones, idle stones are used.
Where to use?
Shopping malls
Restaurants and Cafes
Decorative Offices
All locations where heavy pedestrian traffic is experienced