
Earthquake Resistant Construction Materials

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Earthquake Resistant Construction Materials

After the 1999 earthquake, and great earthquakes occurred in Turkey, people in many question marks about the durability of the housing project occurred. However, in line with the explanations made, it was stated that the building materials were insufficient and the foundation was not strong. Likewise, major earthquakes in different parts of the world have enabled this problem to be on the agenda worldwide. Since the earthquakes occurred and caused many lives, the deficiencies in building constructions have been tried to be eliminated and inspections have been increased for more robust structures.
What Causes Post-Earthquake Damages?
The effect areas of earthquakes are different from each other. At the same time, factors such as the foundation of the building, its design and the strength of the materials used are important in terms of earthquake resistance. In addition, the duration of the earthquake is also a factor affecting the damage that may occur. Essentially, the fact that the building was built in violation of the earthquake regulation is the biggest cause of the damage that may occur as a result of the earthquake. Therefore, each individual must first know the answer to the question of what are the features of an earthquake-resistant house and be conscious about this.
What are the features of an earthquake resistant house?
Although it is necessary to examine the damage report to see if the structures are earthquake resistant, this is not a sufficient step alone. In addition, an earthquake resistance report, which is an advanced system from the building and reveals all the features of the building, should also be obtained.