
Your home is the area where you have spent the longest time in your life and we want to be there for you to create your dream home. You can find all the construction materials you need on our website.


Hearing is vulnerable and needs to be protected against noise. Hearing loss is caused by overexposure or some illness. If you protect your ears properly, you can also prevent ringing that occurs after listening to loud music or after exposure to other loud sounds.
It provides protection against disturbing noises in the environment.
Carefully pull up on the top of the ear. Fit the earplug by fitting the entire tip edge over the ear canal.
Wear the earplug properly, and open and close your ears with both hands while the earplugs are in your ear. Ear plugs should block the sound at the proper level. If the earplug is not properly placed, move to the quiet environment and re-insert it.
Caution: Gently pull out the ear plug with a twisting motion. Removal with sudden movement can damage the eardrum.